Sunday, 20 September 2009

spotted today!

this is why you must always always always double check nutritonal information always check that the serving size relates with the per 100g info

mother bought me sweets from sainsburys upon reading the front of the packets quickly the new "fizzy rainbow belts" at 22 cals per 1/4 of pack seemed best so i took them upstairs with the plan of eating the whole pack for lunch

so therefore the whole pack should be 88cals
but at 350cals per 100g this 75g packet is infact 262.5 cals

theres 12 in the thing so i think it is a misprint as if each sweet was 22 cals then it would work out the packet being 264 which is about right

so not intentional decievement but it does serve a warning always check especially with new products i noticed an error on a new kind of asdas crisps before

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