Tuesday, 10 November 2009

now we dont even have to waste energy reaching for the phone and menu just slip your iphone outta your pocket and you will be fat in no time !

jeez if only they could get rid of that nasty chore of having to get up to answer the door now then life would be complete

me... sarcastic? never...

Thursday, 22 October 2009

one rule for a flat stomach

one rule for a flat stomach i see that ad all the time but i can guess its a heap of bull so ive never clicked it however eventually curiosity got the better of me so i googled it to see if i could find what other people said about it

link is here

Sunday, 18 October 2009

found this too funny to pass up posting it

Earlier this month, the FDA approved Slentrol, a new drug from Pfizer that addresses obesity. But don’t ask your doctor about Slentrol. You’ll have to ask your vet, because Slentrol is for dogs.

According to a report from MedPage Today, adverse reactions to the drug include vomiting, loose stools, diarrhea, lethargy, and loss of appetite.

Of course, there’s a two-part alternative therapy with no side effects: Less food and more walks. And dog walking provides excellent obesity-fighting exercise for the owner as well – something Slentrol can’t claim.

In fact, the FDA warns that humans who get the idea to try their pooch’s Slentrol may suffer headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal distention.
I don’t want to know how they found that out.



High Intensity Resistance Training
High intensity resistance workouts are the superstars. When performed properly, they elevate your BMR, drastically increase your EPOC and burn a fair amount of calories per workout.
Various studies have shown these types of workouts to:
Increase metabolism for up to 36 hours post-workout…36 hours !!
Drastically outperform diet and aerobic exercise in fat loss studies
Maintain muscle mass in subjects on a Very Low Calorie Diet
The Details
High Intensity Resistance Training works best when you focus on:
Total Body workouts
Pushing yourself until your muscles burn with lactic acid
Perform supersets, tri-sets, giant sets, etc…
Compound exercises – squats instead of leg extensions
Big muscle groups – legs, back and chest instead of arms and shoulders
Performing sets of 5 to 15 repetitions

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Recommended Daily Fat Intake Based on Calorie Needs

Source www.sparkteens.com

Daily Calories Ideal Fat Intake
1,200 27-47 g

1,300 28-51 g

1,400 31-54 g

1,500 33-58 g

1,600 36-62 g

1,700 38-66 g

1,800 40-70 g

1,900 42-74 g

2,000 44-78 g

2,100 47-82 g

2,200 49-86 g

2,300 51-89 g

2,400 53-93 g

ideal*20%-35% of daily calories
low ^Less than 20% of daily calories
high +Greater than 35% of daily calories

Sunday, 20 September 2009

spotted today!

this is why you must always always always double check nutritonal information always check that the serving size relates with the per 100g info

mother bought me sweets from sainsburys upon reading the front of the packets quickly the new "fizzy rainbow belts" at 22 cals per 1/4 of pack seemed best so i took them upstairs with the plan of eating the whole pack for lunch

so therefore the whole pack should be 88cals
but at 350cals per 100g this 75g packet is infact 262.5 cals

theres 12 in the thing so i think it is a misprint as if each sweet was 22 cals then it would work out the packet being 264 which is about right

so not intentional decievement but it does serve a warning always check especially with new products i noticed an error on a new kind of asdas crisps before

Friday, 14 August 2009


Written by Liz Neporent who is a diet and fitness expert and author of 12 fitness bestsellers. She regularly appears on national TV programs and is the president of Wellness 360, a New-York based wellness provider.

Last week, I referenced a popular energy bar that touted net zero carbs, even though the whole concept of net carbs is a fiction invented by marketing departments to sell more product. While we're on the topic, the real question you need to ask is: "Does that tasty 'engineered food' actually contain the 220 calories it claims on the label?" This isn't a question you might necessarily think to ask. Most of us assume that Nutrition Facts labels -- required by law on all processed, packaged food products and relied on by millions to make healthy food choices -- reflect reality.

Turns out, many of them may not. In a test conducted by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services laboratory, 75 percent of diet products tested -- most of them regional brands -- were shown to have erroneous information on their labels. More than 10 percent of all bakery products and candies tested were mislabeled, as were 25 percent of dressings and condiments. Some of the labels were off-the-charts misleading, like a vanilla éclair said to have 2 grams of fat but actually containing 17 grams. An entire line of "sugar-free" baked goods -- more than 20 products -- from a regional company were found to contain sugar, as many as 16 grams per serving. (The baker admitted he added sugar to give the chocolate products more flavor and to enable the cookie dough to brown better. Well, duh.)

Tests commissioned by the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a nonprofit consumer organization, found that Laura's Lean-brand steaks contained, on average, more than twice as much fat and saturated fat and 40 percent more calories than the company stated. Laura's strip steaks were certified to use the American Heart Association's (AHA) "heart-check" logo on their labels, yet all but one of the 14 strip steaks tested failed to meet the AHA's guidelines, which require a serving of meat to contain less than 5 grams of total fat and less than 2 grams of saturated fat. The steaks were later, um, stripped of their certification.

Although smaller, regional brands tend to be the worst label fake offenders, even national corporations have, on occasion, been caught duping the public. Not long ago, CSPI busted McDonald's for low-balling numbers for its vanilla reduced-fat ice cream. In this case, the inaccuracy was related to serving sizes. The McDonald's Web site only offered nutrition information for a 90-gram ice cream cone, purported to have 150 calories and 3 grams of saturated fat. But the smallest cone that CSPI researchers found in the Washington, D.C. area exceeded McDonald's official size by 49 percent and contained an average of 225 calories and 4.5 grams of saturated fat. Most states don't do food-product testing, the federal government rarely makes random checks and organizations like CSPI can only do so much. So what's a consumer to do?

Your best bet is to assume a modest overestimation of calories and fat grams and make your choices accordingly. Keep in mind that labels that "pass" the accuracy test may not be entirely on target. Federal law allows most products a 20 percent variance from the label; in other words, a bagel that claims to contain 200 calories legally can contain 240 calories. In addition, the government allows for a 10 percent margin of error in testing, so some labels must be as much as 30 percent off without being considered misleading. Not surprisingly, manufacturers never seem to err on the side of underestimating calories and fat.

[go panic im about to !]

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

!! read myth 2 !!

Busting the Top 4 Cardio Machine Myths
Don't Let These Myths Get in the Way of Your Success

-- By Jennipher Walters, Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor

Spending a good 60 minutes on the treadmill is a surefire way to make you feel accomplished. After completing the machine's fat-burning workout, you feel great and quite proud of yourself as you stare at the number flashing on the screen: 752 calories burned. "Wow," you think. "That's enough to splurge on a little dessert later."

The old saying goes that what you don't know can't hurt you, but that's wrong when it comes to cardio machines. What you don't know about that treadmill, elliptical, stair stepper or stationary bike may not cause you physical pain, but it may significantly hamper your fitness and weight-loss goals. It's time we set the cardio-machine record straight! Read on as we bust four common cardio machine myths—and help you avoid their lure.

Myth #1: The Fat-Burning Program Helps You Burn More Fat and Lose Weight
I see this happen time and time again at the gym. People hop on their piece of cardio equipment, run through the program options and become seduced by the "fat-burning" program because they're looking to lose weight. I mean, really, who doesn't want to burn fat? But what the program options aren't telling you is that the fat-burning program was designed to keep your heart rate pretty low, as research over the years has shown that when you're working at a lower percentage of your maximum heart rate, you burn a higher percentage of fat as fuel. However—and this is a big however—because you're working at a lower intensity, you're also burning fewer calories. So if you only have 30 minutes to work out, you may only burn 200 calories with a fat-burning program, while if you were following a more intense "interval" workout, for example, you might burn 300. And, as we know, it's all about calories in versus calories out when it comes to weight loss. But it doesn't matter where those calories burned are coming from—just that you're burning as many as possible. So don't be fooled by the alluring programs on the cardio machines.

Action tip: Add intervals. Interval workouts, whether programs on the machine or created by you, a trainer or SparkPeople (click here for our printable interval training workouts), will always give the most bang for your calorie-burning buck. If you need further proof of why interval workouts are so great, check out this article. To set up your own calorie-burning interval workout, simply increase your intensity to a hard pace for 30 seconds followed by 2 minutes at an easy pace; repeat for up to 30 minutes. Once you’ve mastered that, try 1 minute of a hard intensity, followed by 2 minutes at an easy pace.

Myth #2: The Calories Burned Display on the Machine is Factual
I know how awesome it is to see a big number on the calories-burned screen after a hard workout. But the sad truth is that that number is usually inflated. If you think that you burned enough extra calories this morning to eat that cheeseburger for lunch, think again. Even when you specifically enter your gender, weight and age, your estimate (yep, it's just an estimate) could be off by tens to hundreds of calories. Hundreds! In fact, the majority of cardio machines manufacturers test their equipment on big, muscular guys and not your everyday Joe. Because of this, the estimated calorie burn that is programmed into the machine is based on a large man who burns tons of calories just breathing. If you're a female, this is specifically problematic. So, literally, tread lightly!

Action tip: Be cautious about calories burned. On average, most people burn about 100 calories per mile walked or ran. If your cardio machine’s calorie count registers way more than this, then err on the side of calorie caution when planning your meals for the rest of the day. In general, all machines and online calculators offer mere estimates of calories burned, so never take them as fact. A better and more accurate way to estimate your calories burned for any workout is to invest in a good heart rate monitor that estimates calories burned based on your actual workout intensity.

Myth #3: Running or Walking on the Treadmill is as Good as Running Outside
I heart the treadmill. Treadmills allow you to run at a variety of paces and inclines while avoiding any nasty weather. However, if you're preparing for a running race or walking event, you need to know that the treadmill does not challenge you as much as doing the same activity outside. In fact, the motion of the treadmill belt actually slightly helps pull your feet back, thereby allowing you to shorten your running and walking stride and put forth less energy. Less energy means fewer calories burned. In addition, the treadmill is set at a totally flat or slight decline, which also makes your run or walk easier than it is in the great outdoors. Therefore, if you're used to running or walking on the treadmill, you'll be in for a big wake-up call when you head outside and find that you can't run as fast or as long without becoming winded.

Action tip: Change your scenery. Once a week, trade your indoor workout for a power walk or jog through your neighborhood or a park. The change of scenery will help give your body and your mind something new to focus on. As your muscles work harder to propel your body (without the help of a moving belt), you'll burn more calories and better gauge your true running or walking speed. If outdoor workouts aren't an option for you, add incline to your treadmill to help offset momentum of that treadmill belt.

Myth #4: You Should Change Your Workout Intensity Based on the Heart Rate Display
The built-in heart rate monitors on cardio equipment sure are handy. After all, they sense your pulse (heart rate) from your fingertips and hands! However, your pulse isn't as strong or accurate when measured from your hands as it is when it's measured closer to your chest. Plus, these displays rely on sporadic data, which is only available when you hold on to the console or handles. This is typically a bad idea, especially if you're running or walking fast or if holding on compromises your form or causes you to lean into your hands—a sure sign that you're not really working as hard (or burning as many calories) as you may think.

Action tip: Listen to your heart. Consider investing in a heart rate monitor with a chest strap. These are the most accurate and reliable ways to measure your exercise intensity continuously and safely as you work out—without compromising your form. If a heart rate monitor isn't in your budget yet, use the Rate of Perceived Exertion or the Talk Test to measure your exercise intensity. You'll find details on these methods and more in our Reference Guide to Exercise Intensity.

Above all, remember that when it comes to exercise—on the cardio machines or not—everyone is different and no machine can really be accurate for everyone. Some are more accurate than others are, but always listen to your body and continue to track your workouts on SparkPeople's Fitness Tracker. After all, you know yourself best—and that's no myth

Monday, 3 August 2009

joy for dairy haters

Eat More Tomatoes, Watermelon, Guava
Want to build stronger bones? Then eat more tomatoes, watermelon, guava and red grapefruit. All contain lycopene, the red-pigmented antioxidant whose long list of benefits include heart health and protection against various cancers. The latest evidence points to a lower osteoporosis risk.

Tufts researchers compared dietary intake data with measurements of bone mineral density (BMD) among 600+ elderly volunteers over the course of four years. Among various antioxidant carotenoids tested (e.g., beta-carotene, lutein, etc.), lycopene appeared to confer the biggest bone-boosting benefit. Women in the top third of lycopene intake enjoyed 66% less bone loss than those with lower intakes. While men did not share this association, lycopene offers them other gender-specific benefits, such as a 28% lower risk of prostate cancer.

Beyond red-hued produce, other research has found that doubling fruit and vegetable intake bolstered bone strength among both male and female adolescents. In particular, prebiotic Superfoods like bananas, asparagus, leeks, onions, garlic and artichokes support bone health by enhancing calcium absorption. Also, try top sources of vitamin K -- leafy greens, celery, broccoli, cabbage -- to reduce fracture risk. Fruit and vegetables also help you avoid excess fat mass, which has been linked to lower bone mineral density.

from www.dolenutrition.com.

Sunday, 26 July 2009

Dieting but not losing weight ? by glen meuller

For Tesco Diets news on MSN

Are you beginning to think your bathroom scale is broken because that needle never seems to budge? If you just can't seem to drop those extra pounds no matter what you do, don't despair. Dietician Susan Burke is here to help you do some trouble-shooting.

As a registered dietician, one of the most common questions Susan gets asked is: "Why aren't I losing weight?" For those of you trying to find the answer to this question, Susan has eight possible reasons for you to consider.

1. Are you eating too much?
When somebody tells Susan that they don't understand why they aren't losing weight, the first thing she does is monitor how much they are actually eating. According to Susan, most people eat more than they think.

When you have your breakfast cereal in the morning, are you pouring one or two portions into that bowl? Susan says just one additional measure of cereal can account for 100 extra calories. And do you wash down your morning cereal with a glass of juice or a gallon of juice? A couple of extra sips of juice, and you are over your calorie limit for the morning.

"Weigh and measure everything you eat for one week", Susan advises. "That is a good exercise to help you learn about portion size."

No matter what type of healthy eating plan you are following, Susan says you should make it a point to keep a food journal.

2. Is your weight goal realistic?
If you can't seem to lose any weight, it is possible that you need to reassess your goal toward health and fitness instead of weight loss.

"If you're within a healthy BMI, your clothes fit well, you have plenty of energy and you don't have any medical conditions associated with being overweight or obese, weight loss may not be the right goal," Susan says. "Contact our nutrition team to properly assess your goals."

3. Are you exercising at all?
While you can lose some weight without exercising, it is much more effective to exercise. Susan says exercise is an important part of any healthy lifestyle. Besides, if you are trying to lose weight, you need to expend more calories in activity than you are taking in.

"The best predictor of permanent weight loss is exercise", Susan says. "Those people who make activity a normal part of their daily life are more likely to stay slim."

4. Are you giving yourself enough activity?
Even if you are exercising, the problem may be that your body has gotten accustomed to your usual activity schedule. If you kick it up a notch and challenge yourself, Susan says that may be enough to jumpstart your weight loss.

"If your body is not challenged by your level of activity, simply increase your activity", Susan advises.

5. Are you building muscle but not doing aerobic exercise?
If you are doing exercise to increase muscle, Susan says it is important to keep in mind that muscle is denser tissue than fat.

"If you're adding muscle, the scale won't show your improvements, but your clothes will fit better and you'll have a lower percentage body fat", Susan says.

6. Are you eating enough fruits and vegetables?
It is important to include as many healthy fruits and vegetables as you can in your healthy eating plan.

"Studies show that people who include at least five portions of fruits and vegetables every day are healthier, leaner and more likely to keep their weight under control", Susan says.

7. Are you drinking enough water?
Don't be afraid to let your water bottle runneth over. Susan says staying hydrated will help you keep a healthy metabolism and flush out toxins.

"Often thirst is mistaken for hunger", Susan says. "Drink a glass of water when you first wake up and every two hours throughout the day."

8. Have you had a check-up?
If you are doing all of the above and still aren't losing any weight, Susan says it is time to see your doctor.

Make an appointment for a check-up, and make sure the doctor evaluates you for any possible medical condition.

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Hitting That Big Old Wall

written by Julie Isphording for sparkpeople

Just about everyone has heard of the "Wall," as in "hitting the wall." And lots of us - in running and in life - have run straight into it. Head on.

A wall is the point in a race (or in life) where you're used up. You're officially done. You feel as if you are draining away into a little puddle on the ground. Your legs don't respond to the word "go." You vow never to do this again.

Although I hope you never have a wall get between you and a goal, here are some tricks I've learned from running that can help you get over your own wall when it's in the way:

Keep going regardless
Promise yourself that, no matter what, you will press on, even if you are walking, crawling, or puttering. In the Boston Marathon in 1993, I was running so slowly to the finish that I felt like I was actually going backwards. Stay on your feet. Eyes straight ahead. Move.

Don't think
Just go. Do not dwell on how overwhelmingly awful you feel. Focus on the cheering crowds, your friends and family waiting at the finish, the cool water, the trees... anything.

Try bribery
Tell yourself, "Self, when I get done with this, I'm going to buy you a new car, a new house, whatever you want."

Watch the negative words and thoughts. Think instead about all the successes you have had. How about all those hills you conquered? All those long workouts you endured? You are a great person. Relish those thoughts.

Negotiate with yourself
Give yourself permission to simply go to the next water stop, or to the next milestone, or even just the end of the day. Keep repeating that strategy until you see the finish line. Just one more mile before you say one more mile!

If it was easy, everyone could do it. You are the one who will make it. And don't forget the finish line pose!

Saturday, 11 July 2009

Controlling Kids' Diet Won't Make Them Fat

Many people think that parental efforts to control what kids eat are bound to backfire. But new research suggests that moms who meddle in mealtime choices may actually succeed in limiting kids' unhealthy weight gain -- and in any case such rationing does not cause childhood obesity.
Looking at a group of 789 kids, researchers from Brown Medical School compared changes in Body Mass Index from ages 4 to 9 with a rating of how "restrictive" kids' mothers were with regard to what kids were allowed to eat. Turns out that kids with controlling moms were not at increased risk of gaining more weight. In fact, boys (but not girls) whose mothers monitored food choices were much less likely to exceed normal weight gain. Another interesting gender difference: Mothers were 72% more likely to increase control over food choices when girls (but not boys) gained excess weight from ages 4 to 7.

The take-home message is that if you think your child is gaining more weight than she or he should, then it's healthy to be concerned and to try to limit your child's calorie intake. Far too many parents are in denial about their children's weight problems and research shows that parents with the least concern about their kids' weight tend to have the fattest children. And while it's tempting to dismiss youthful pounds as cute "baby fat," an obese adolescent has a 70% chance of being an obese adult, and courts associated health risks, ranging from heart disease to diabetes and cancer.

Help educate your children about the importance of nutrition and physical activity by visiting dolesuperkids.com, which offers music downloads, videos and online games that make healthy learning fun.

Friday, 3 July 2009

some basics from spark people

You know by now that both eating and activity affect your weight. Eating provides your body with the energy it needs, while physical activity burns off calories. So the key to successful weight loss is finding the right ways to balance the calories you take in with the calories you put out. It all sounds so simple – and it really is.

But there’s actually a lot to know. How to track calories in food. How calories are used and stored as fat. What is starvation mode? Can you cut calories too far? What to do about plateaus? This simple, little thing called a calorie can actually seem pretty complicated. Read on to help sort through the mystery.

The Confusing Calorie. The calorie is a measure of energy available to the body. When you eat food, the number of calories it contains is actually the amount of energy units the food provides the body. The calorie is also the measure of energy that your body uses. Your body uses calories for many functions, such as breathing, pumping blood, resting, sitting, working, and exercising. So the calorie is used to measure both the amount of energy contained in foods, as well as the amount of energy your body uses.

The difference between the two is the Calorie Equation. When you eat more calories than you use, the rest is stored as fat and you gain weight. To lose weight, you simply need to use more calories than you eat so your body is free to call upon other energy sources – such as stored fat.

Where Do Calories Come From? There are six classes of nutrients: carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, and water. Of these six classes of nutrients, only 3 provide calories or energy for the body: carbohydrate, protein and fat:

1 gram of carbohydrate = 4 calories
1 gram of protein = 4 calories
1 gram of fat = 9 calories
Calories are also found in alcohol. Alcohol is not a nutrient because it cannot be used in the body to promote growth, maintenance, or repair. It is a toxin that is broken down as an energy source and can be converted into fat.

1 gram of alcohol = 7 calories

How are Calories Used and Stored? The function of each calorie-providing nutrient is different, but the end result of excessive intake is the same…FAT STORAGE.

Carbohydrate is broken down into glucose for immediate energy needs; the surplus is stored as glycogen for long-term energy needs and brain function. However, after the glycogen stores are filled, the excess carbohydrate is stored as FAT.

The nutrient Fat is initially broken down and used for its primary functions, such as providing cell structure. However, any excess fat fragments will be reassembled and stored in the FAT cells.

Protein will also encounter the same fate. Once protein has met immediate energy needs and provided the body with other building and repairing functions, the excess will be converted into FAT and stored away.

All foods supply energy or calories. However, some provide more calories than others. No single food or class of food is “fattening” by itself. When the calories provided in food are not needed by the body, the excess is stored in the body in the form of fat, no matter what food the calories came from. And while the storage of most cells is limited, fat tissue is able to store an unending amount of fat.

How Many Calories Do I Need? Your energy needs take precedence over all other body functions. For an adult, there are three factors that determine your total energy requirements:

Basal Energy Requirement. This is the minimum amount of energy needed by the body at rest in the fasting state. It includes basic body functions such as respiration, cellular metabolism, circulation, gland activity, and body temperature control. It is affected by such things as age, gender, pregnancy, body composition, nutritional status, sleep, climate, and fever.

Physical Activity. The amount of calories needed for physical activity depends on the type of activity or work, the intensity and the duration. To learn calorie levels for different activities, check out the Calorie Lookup tool in the Fitness Resource Center, or print the Calories Burned Chart from the Printable Resources page.

Specific Dynamic Action of Food. This is the amount of calories needed to manage food intake and includes digestion, absorption, and metabolism of food.

Balancing the calories you take in with those you put out is the safest, healthiest way to control your weight – for the next two weeks, or the next 20 years. It takes about 3500 calories to make one pound of fat. So to lose one pound, you can:
a) Burn 3500 excess calories (if you have a few hours to kill)
b) Eat 3500 fewer calories (starvation diet, anyone?)
c) A combination of exercise and diet (the best option)

For example, to lose one pound in a week, you could simple create a calorie deficit of 500 per day (7x500 = 3500). That could be as simple as cutting out one donut (280 calories) and jogging for 25 minutes (240 calories) each day.
Paying attention to both sides of the Equation actually makes it easier to lose weight than relying on one or the other, and is much easier on your body.

The SparkDiet Set Up process used scientific calculations to determine your current calorie needs as well as calorie and fitness goals to promote weight loss based on the information you provide. By using the meal plans, nutrition tracker and calories-burned tracker, you are able to monitor your calorie intake and output.

Starvation Mode. There is a common misperception that to lose weight, the lower the calories, the better. Ironically, the key may be eating more calories. You can actually hurt your body's ability to lose weight by going too low. Here's why. The body has a protective mechanism. When calories drop too low (we recommend a minimum of 1,200 for women and 1,500 for men) the body reacts as if it is starving and tries to conserve energy. It will lower your metabolism, conserve calories and fat, and you will not burn calories as quickly. This results in a slower weight loss or even no weight loss. This is what's know as "Starvation Mode."

When calorie intake falls below 1,200 to 1,500 calories a day, it is also extremely difficult to follow a balanced diet and obtain all the nutrients that are needed by the body to stay strong and energetic and prevent disease. These very low calorie intakes can also lead to other health problems such as eating disorders, gout, gallstones, and heart complications. For these reasons, the SparkDiet strongly suggests not going below 1,200 calories daily for women and 1,500 calories daily for men.

Muscle Power. Fat tissue lowers the rate at which one burns calories, because fat tissue requires less oxygen and is very inactive. On the other hand, muscle is a more physically and metabolically active tissue. It therefore burns more calories than fat. Through exercise, especially strength and resistance exercise, you can decrease the amount of fat in your body and increase the amount of muscle. This will then help you burn more calories each and every day, even when you’re not exercising.

Muscle also weighs more than fat. Near the beginning of your program, you may gain some weight after strength exercising. This is perfectly normal. As the composition of your body changes from fat to muscle, the muscle will help burn off that remaining fat at a faster rate, uncovering your lean, fit muscles.

On The Dreaded Plateau? Hitting a plateau during a weight loss program is normal (though it can still be frustrating). Your body requires fewer calories to function as your weight decreases. It needs time to adjust to all the healthy changes that are occurring due to the weight loss. So continuing to follow the same eating and exercise patterns won’t work forever.

Everyone’s body will adjust differently. To jump-start your metabolism and break out of the plateau, you may need to select a different form of exercise to stimulate other muscle groups to become more active. Do not become discouraged; this may take several weeks or months. Stay focused on all the positive things you have accomplished. Your goal during plateaus is to try not to gain any pounds back. Get energized with a brisk walk. Add on a little jogging or running. Try a new piece of equipment. Test out a strength training routine. Try a new activity like dancing, rollerblading, or cross-country skiing. Start taking the stairs at home and work.

Thursday, 25 June 2009

dont buy into weight watchers

[this post was written by myself]

as the last 2 post were form a weight watcjers book i feel the need to address I HATE WEIGHT WATCHERS

never have i been to a meeting or anything but i believe its a big heap of rubbish

you disagree?

then tell me why i have 2 aunties and know at least 2 other people who have been going for over 2 years and have lost .... zero pounds ?

im being honest lets talk about one of the people the one im closest to. she hasbeen going for 3 years at first she lost heaps but then piled it all on during christmas ans has since struggled and now yo yos like crazy. i believe this is because they promote their own version of cakes, crisps , sweets etc that are okay to eat this i am very much against

a cake is cake its better to eat that one piece of normal tasty cake rather than eating 2 weight watchers 1s because they are "healthier"

using your points on junk food instead of eating healthy meals, snacking on weight watchers if biscuits instead of fruit its not going to work in the long run

the person im talking about often saves up points then splurges on a meal out at weekends. all that hard work out the window because shes thinks of it as a diet she must adhere to rather than healthy normal living

admitdely i am on the other side of the scale but i dont think of what i do as a diet

The Placebo Effect Works

[from weight watchers diet myth book]

For every one of the myths and gimmicks about foods, supplements,
and food timing and combining discussed in this chapter, there are a
dozen more being promoted. These myths are so prevalent because
each has a kernel of truth—a small part of the myth based on science.
It is the fantastic story that gets wrapped up with the truth that creates
a myth rather than a valid, long-lasting way to lose weight.
The placebo effect happens when a person believes that there is a
direct cause-and-effect relationship between two things even if it does
not exist. Because the person believes in the relationship, however, his
or her behavior changes in a way that produces the anticipated effect.
Rigorous scientific studies include a placebo group and a group that
is actually getting the treatment. This is the only valid way to ensure
that it is the treatment and not the placebo that is producing the effect.
Many promising treatments in the area of weight loss lose their luster
when they are evaluated in a rigorous scientific study that includes a
placebo group. For example, acupuncture is often touted as a weightloss
treatment. When tested against a placebo, however, it has been
shown to be ineffective.The same has been shown for subliminal tapes
to induce weight loss.

just because its fat free doesnt mean you can paint the town!

[an extract from the weight watchers diet myths book]

Fat-free foods are not free foods. When people eat processed low-fat
and fat-free foods in large or unlimited amounts under the misconception
that calories do not matter, they don’t lose weight. In fact, they
gain weight. The United States has experienced a shocking increase in
the amount and severity of obesity over the past thirty years during the
very time that low-fat foods have exploded in the marketplace.
It is easy to completely replace calories from high-fat foods with fatfree,
high-carbohydrate, high-sugar foods with just as many calories.
Many people even eat larger portions of fat-free cookies because they
have no fat.Weight loss occurs only when you eat fewer calories, not
when daily calories stay the same.
Thousands of foods with little to no nutritional or weight-loss value
were developed and sold during the height of the low-fat craze. Food
companies made millions, and shoppers eagerly awaited the next new
product. Many people were disappointed as they ate more of these
specialty foods with an expectation of weight loss only to gain weight.
This is often referred to as “Snackwells Syndrome” after the popular
line of cookies that was marketed as low-fat.

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

so you were thinking of binge ing?

Theres a nasty rumour floating around out there that fat cells are PERMANENT. The nastiest thing about this rumor is that it's true.

Yes, most experts conceded that fat cells - once created - are there for life. Yet this doesn't spell doom and gloom to those of us who could stand to drop a few pounds. Because even though experts believe that fat cells are permanent, they also agree that fat cells can be shrunk. so even if the absolute number of fat cells in your body remains the same their size - and hence their appearance and percentage of your overall weight - can be reduced

(this is an extract from a book on how to boost your metabolism)

still want to binge??

Monday, 22 June 2009

The Cadio Myth

Most fitness books and magazines will tell you that the way to shed fat is to increase the
time and distance that you exercise. While endurance exercise does burn a lot of calories,
it is not the best way to decrease body fat.

During moderate-intensity exercise, the body burns fat for energy. And by engaging in
that type of activity over and over, you are effectively telling your body that you need
that fat. So, to prepare for the next time it is called on to repeat the activity, your body
will store more fat.

Conversely, when you engage in short bursts of high-intensity exercise, your body uses
glycogen stored in the muscle tissues for energy. Over time, this conditions your body to
store energy in the muscles - rather than as fat. Exercising this way will also cause you to
burn more fat during your recovery period, as the glycogen in the muscles is restored.
Consider this study performed by the University of Quebec. One group of exercisers
cycled for 45 minutes without stopping. Another group exercised for short bursts lasting
from 15 seconds to over a minute, with rests in between. The long-duration exercisers
burned more calories, but the short-duration exercisers lost more fat. In fact, nine times
more fat for every calorie burned.

This is why many endurance athletes have body fat percentages ranging from 10% to
20%, while sprinters have a well-muscled physique and usually carry only 4% to 8%
body fat.

If you want to increase the health and strength of your heart, you don't need to spend
hours on a treadmill or run for miles and miles. In fact, doing that can be
Endurance exercise actually makes the heart, lungs, and muscles smaller, so they can
perform longer with less energy. But what you gain in efficiency, you lose in reserve
capacity. In other words, while you might be able to handle an hour-long jog, you
compromise your ability to produce bursts of energy. In your later years, it is this reserve
capacity that provides protection from heart attacks.

So if you want to improve the health and strength of your heart, focus on short intervals
of intense exercise punctuated by brief periods of recovery.

Thursday, 18 June 2009


Modest Results. Studies conducted by the company show that when using the Alli program (pills, diet and exercise) correctly, individuals can lose up to 50% more weight than dieting alone. They compared the Alli program with dieting only (not with dieting AND exercising), so it's hard to say whether these results come from Alli, the exercise component, or a combination of both. While 50% more weight sounds like a lot—here's an example. If you used the Alli program, you could lose 15 pounds instead of 10 pounds in the same amount of time. These results aren’t that dramatic—especially since you have to diet and exercise for it to work. In another study, dieters using the Alli program only lost three more pounds over the course of an entire year than people who dieted and exercised without taking the pill.

(from sparkpeople.com)

[3 more pounds in a year? for the money to me it sounds pointless work a little harder and you can do that with out pills ]

10 foods never to eat

10 foods to kiss goodbye
When trying to lose weight, an occasional slip off your diet wagon is perfectly fine. No one is perfect and a little indulgence is good for keeping you from slipping down that dark alley known as Binge Street. But some foods not only have no nutritional value, they also aren't worth the damage they do to your diet.
If you’ve been around the dieting block, you probably know that giving up certain foods can make you want them even more. For this reason, nutritionists agree that a healthy, sustainable eating plan allows you to eat practically anything in moderation.
However, there are some foods that just aren’t worth the damage they do to your waistline. (Don’t despair, there’s always a better alternative.)
Here are 10 foods that we recommend kissing goodbye:

1. Doughnuts These are true diet busters because it’s loaded with sugar - and then deep-fried. One ring doughnut packs almost 240 calories and 13 grams of fat. Opt for some jaffa cakes or plain biscuits instead. At around 40 cals a pop, your waistline will thank you!

2. Real mayonnaise Thanks to the eggs and oil that comprise this favourite salad spread, just one tablespoon of the real stuff contains 11 grams of fat and 100 calories. The reduced-calorie version has half the calories and half the fat but you can go lighter still by spreading mustards, relishes, horseradish and low fat salad dressings on your sandwich.

3. Ciabatta Style Pizzas Ciabatta is a type of bread made with olive oil so it’s much higher in fat than your average pizza base. Add to this a topping of cheese and pepperoni and you could be approaching 1000 calories for just one little pizza! Choose thin-based pizzas and avoid stuffed crusts, deep pan style and pepperoni.

4. Hot dogs These bonfire night favourites can get up to 150 of their 180 calories from fat. It makes you wonder whether they qualify as meat at all. The nitrites contained in hot dogs have also been linked to increased rates of cancer in some studies. For a tasty, low-fat replacement, choose grilled veggie sausages or chicken kebabs instead.

5. Deep fried cheese This popular starter option in many restaurants should carry a health warning! Full-fat cheese already contains more than its fair share of fat, most of it saturated. Deep-frying boosts the fat and calorie content even higher, making this gooey concoction a serious nutrition no-no!

6. Fizzy drinks While technically not a food, fizzy drinks are often included among the list of culprits in the nation’s increasing weight problem. With no nutritional value and as many as 12 teaspoons of sugar in each can, most nutritionists see no reason to keep them in your diet. If you can’t give them up, at least choose diet soft drinks, which are calorie free.

7. Cinema popcorn A super-size bag of this snack, typically popped in vegetable oil and doused in butter, is enough to turn your tummy into a double feature! Believe it or not, some sweets are actually less calorie- and fat-laden than popcorn. If you must munch at the movies, opt for liquorice or jellies (stick to one serving) - or smuggle in some air-popped popcorn.

8. Crisps and Dips "Once you pop, you can't stop!" rings true for many of us! A few handfuls of Pringles or Doritos in front of the TV of an evening usually turns into a whole bagful! Already heavily laden with calories and fat, scooping on some creamy dip will double the damage and you could easily crunch your way through your entire calorie allowance for the day!

9. Full fat salad dressing With around 120 calories and 12g fat per 1oz (28g) serving, full fat dressings like Thousand Island and Ranch dressing are just not worth the weight you can gain by eating them - even if it’s carrots and celery you’re dressing. Fortunately, there are plenty of perfectly tasty lower-cal alternatives around.

10. Bacon Cheeseburgers Anything that combines two forms of meat with full-fat cheese is not likely to be diet friendly. This heart-stopping favourite at Burger King packs a whopping 400 calories and 22 grams of fat. A Bacon McDouble Cheeseburger from McD’s has 478 calories and 24 grams of fat